All power belongs to Allah. So people cannot set any policy. We are just announcing. All contracts are determined according to Islamic rules. Our all of rules will be applicable to all customers and organizations. You should now our rules then you made a order/complain. Complaints are not admissible without knowing the rules.
As we are domain resellers, we only assist customers in providing this service. Each domain's DNS progress time varies from 2 to 72 hours. So please don't try to give a picnic without knowing it. If anyone want to do any illegal activity We will close the domain and we will take legal action. So providing correct information is mandatory for domain registration.
Shared Hosting-
Mention any complaints in live chat after service launch. Illegal activities are not acceptable on any hosting. In a word, if you do any dishonest activity, the service is stopped. In this case, you will not get a refund. Each service will be invoiced 15 days prior to expiry. 30% additional charge will be charged for each service restart in case of service suspension. Customer must ensure security and backup. Data backup will incur an additional cost to us. Use international password format for security to you control panel, database, user & admin password.
Reseller Hosting-
Since you are a reseller, So you have some responsibilities. Be sure to verify customer identity before selling hosting. And your service may be terminated due to illegal customer activity. So discuss well in live chat before ordering reseller hosting. Apart from that, all the other things should be followed like shared hosting.
VPS Service-
The service will start after 15 minutes of ordering the VPS service. Be sure to submit your national identity card before order VPS service. Bills, liability & security will all be applicable as per the above conditions.
Dedicated Server-
As per VPS rules will be applicable. However, we deliver the server within 24 hours of ordering the server.
Other Services-
If you want to do your business honestly you are welcome, other wise not need to connect with dinisoft. There is no need for customers like you.